Monday, January 14, 2013

Not What You Are Wanting

I'm not sure why I can't bring myself to blog more lately. Yes, I'm busy, but gosh, 6 isn't that many more than 4. It is not that I don't have stories to tell, because I do. I ask myself almost daily why I don't want to sit down and share what is our normal...or not so normal now, but I just can't figure it out. And I know that is leaving a few faithful followers (of our journey) in the dust. Please know that is not my intention. I guess I'm just feeling extra introverted lately. I think the closest I get to why is that everyone has different expectation of how I'm handling it all and how I'm feeling about it all and want me to name everything that is happening. Or at least I think they have expectations. :) I'm pretty simple minded about all of this. God asked us to do this thing. We did it. And now I'm kind of in survival mode. I'm not good at naming all my kids' needs or hurts or personalities. Right now I feel like I'm floating through this. I'm feeding them, hugging them, apologizing to them, cleaning up after them, playing with them and loving them imperfectly, but as well as I can. I guess I just need to come to peace with the fact that I can't answer all of your questions and that is okay. But I can share. I can't really define good, but we are good. Life is good. Life is hard. Life is fun. Life is full. Life is sad. But life is good.
And I know that is not exactly what you guys are waiting to here. I know you want details and I'm going to try to do that. I'm sorry it is taking time. I need grace. :)


  1. As for me, I don't expect any more from you. It is not your obligation to share the details of your life. You and Jonathan are wonderful parents and God has equipped you for this journey. Keep in touch with Him, that's all that matters. ((((((hugz))))
    Love ya,
    Nena Roberts

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! I certainly don't expect lots of details--just a post now and then about how it's going so we can pray for you and Jonathan. So many of us have been following your journey, and it's so neat to hear how God is giving you grace each day to love and care for the precious children He's entrusted to you.

  3. I agree with your mother in law,Karen!! It is great to post what you can so we can pray for you in wisdom! God has given you a wonderful family !! It is great to share their challenges and yours and their growth with all of us concerned friends and relatives!!!

  4. Melissa, whatever you decide to share will be joyfully read. And it is a good reminder to keep praying for you and yours. Sorry if we've been like paparazzi at any time:) You're amazing.

  5. 2 more children in your case is a 33% increase. That's large. You have been blessed and trusted. John
