Monday, May 21, 2012

En Espanol

I got good news from our agency. Our dossier has been translated and it is going to be submitted to the IHNFA this week. I've been praying a lot lately for the Instituto Hondureno de la Ninez la Familia.  They have the huge task of being Honduras' adoption authority. They read through every dossier put before them and in the end match Honduran children with forever families. That is a long, weighty process. Pray with me that God is with them and that He will bless their efforts. And pray for those Grassmick beauties that don't know their new last name yet.


  1. I'm praying. Have patience my friend. Remember God's timing is perfect.

  2. Yes, we will pray mightily!

    Yes, wait for the Lord. He draws us to himself as we wait for him.... In the stillness of this time, fix your gaze on Him while you wait. Abide, dwell with him. Soak in his goodness and love and power. This time is significant! He is taking you deeper with him and preparing you for what is to come!

    Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7

  3. Yay!! I'm excited for you :) Your moving along... I will definitely be praying Melissa.

  4. This is great news! It's encouraging that things seem to be moving ahead. We'll continue praying for this adoption process. How wonderful to know that God is in control.

  5. Jonathan & Melissa,
    I will be praying for your adoption journey and that things move quickly on the end of the Hondouras officals.

    I've got a cousin who has also adopted internationally and this past fall, brought her 2nd child home to the little girl's forever family.
