Thursday, February 16, 2012

We Have Been Evaluated

We have been evaluated.
We met with a certified psychologist today because Honduras requires evaluations for prospective adoptive parents. Dr. Naiper talked to us both. Then he handed Jonathan two little booklets of questions and sent him to another room to circle his answers while he asked me some questions one on one. Then we switched. I got to filled out the questionnaire while Jonathan talked to him. Just for the record: 1). I finished the questionnaire quicker. And 2). It didn't take Jonathan as long to answer the doc's questions face to face. So basically...I'm fast. He's not. :) But that wasn't why I married him to begin with.
Anyway, he said he will have the rough draft by next week, which is great. Thanks to our super special friend who entertained the kids so we could do this!
Now, we get to sit back this weekend and enjoy the Empowered to Connect Conference that we are signed up for this weekend. My sweet in-laws are watching the kids Friday and Saturday. My mother in law took tomorrow off and is going to bake yummy treats and make super fun crafts with the kids. Emma brought her own recipe book and Grandma promised a grocery shopping trip with her to get the appropriate supplies. Fun times.
We should learn a lot this weekend. I'm looking forward to being stuck in adoption mode for a couple of days and getting to discuss it all with Jonathan.
I don't really feel closer to getting this done but I know baby steps will get us there. I like big steps. Giant steps, really. But, we keep putting one foot in front of the other and I know we will get there. Sooner, I hope, rather than later.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you will gain much from the conference. We're excited to keep the kids. It'll be fun!
