Monday, August 13, 2012

Short n' Sweet

I am so emotionally and physically DEAD after such an amazing event that I don't feel like I'm going to explain it well, BUT I know many of you want an update! So, I'm going to give a short and sweet update. :)
The event was very successful. We raised over $16,000! How exciting. We couldn't have done it without so many people. Thank you.
After the dust settles (and I unpack my car) we will have to put our thinking caps back on to raise a little more.
But we are so much closer.
As I sat down to write this I looked at the clock on the left side of my blog and saw that it is around 9PM Uganda time. And now I'm not thinking about money so much as those little babies that I can't wait to hold. I can't wait to see their first smiles. I pretty sure that isn't going to happen when we first walk up to them, but hopefully it won't be long after. Pray with us that we get to go soon.


  1. Yay!! It was BEAUTIFUL seeing everyone at church last night: simply because we love you, your family, and your precious babies, and we ARE all standing beside you to bring your babies home, as well as respond to the stirrings and moving and nudges of what God IS doing.

    Much love and many blessings, dear friends.

  2. Simply amazing! Praise the Lord for his provision!

  3. Praise the LORD! I am praising Him with you and can't wait to hear how it went!! One GIANT step closer to holding those babies in your arms!!
