Monday, October 24, 2011

First Contact

I got a call from Johnna today from our agency. Well, it’s not our agency yet, but hopefully soon. Anyway, she is the Honduras contact and just wanted to answer any questions we might have. I’m pretty excited about the call. It was nice to connect, which feels a little weird. Anyone that knows me knows that I’m not really into talking on the phone, especially with strangers. But, it was good. I’m pretty sure I prayed as the phone was ringing but even if I didn’t request grace right then, God knew my heart and He knows my silly issues. And He provided. So, the best information that I got from the call was that Jonathan would only HAVE to be in Honduras for about a week for the second trip. Let me back up a bit. The requirements for adopting from Honduras are that we have to travel there twice. The first trip is 5 to 7 days long and we both have to go. Then we wait at home 2 to 4 months. Then we both have to travel back. All that I have read states that we have to be there for 6 weeks. I thought that meant both of us. But Johnna said that only one of us has to stay there the entire six weeks. Jonathan would only have to been there for the first week. Wow. That is such a relief. I don’t really want to be in a foreign country with new children alone but it means that we can do it. I am still praying that Jonathan will be able to be there the entire time. I think it would be better for the children…and me. But then again, I guess I should leave that up to the Lord. It would be better for us to get these kids here whether we all get to pick them up or not. So, I think we will get a move on. I feel like I should be nervous or something. Maybe that will come. But for now, I’m just excited.


  1. Maybe we can time it so that when Jonathan has to come back home, the Loopers could come down and hang with you guys. How rad would that be?

  2. Start brushing up on your Espanol.
