Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not In My Hands

I heard from Sara today..from our agency. She said we are still in the application process. As soon as she gets the letter from my doctor then she can submit our application for final approval. (I need the letter because I'm take certain meds. My doc needs to verify that I am basically not insane.) So, that means we are waiting on my doctor. They have a hard time getting my refills called in on time, so I'm a little worried...worried is not the word, but I can't think of a better one right now...that this might take a while. I requested the letter on Tuesday. I'm praying and I'm asking you to pray that she will get the letter done tomorrow.
I was in town today and wanted to stop in her office and just follow up. I didn't know whether I should be still and wait on the Lord (and pray my hiney off) or if I should actively pursue (and pray my hiney off). I drove past her office a couple of times but never felt like I got a green light to stop in. It's hard to discern those things. I think I'm going to call tomorrow morning just to ask if my doc has any questions.
I enjoyed my conversations with the Lord today. I know He hears me. And I want to hear Him.
His time. It will happen in His time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you and that doc! You are so not crazy! I'm so excited to see where God leads you on this journey.
