Wednesday, December 7, 2011

He's Got This

I'm shocked at how little I am "worrying" about the adoption process. Maybe it is my uncanny ability to NOT see what could go wrong. That's not really my thing. I don't want to worry about what is ahead. What will that accomplish? I live in the here and now. And right now things are rolling and I've just got to keep up, which IS one of my strong points. I can tell I'm going to like the adoption process when I'm filling out paperwork and crossing things off my list. It's going to be tough when I'm just sitting and waiting and thinking an waiting.
But, that isn't happening right now, so I don't need to worry myself about that.
Anyway, yesterday I made sure all of our i's were dotted and t's crossed with the AWAA paperwork and was ready to send it in. But then I realized that we need a big check to go along with it. (And again, it had been tucked away in my mind that we needed money, but it wasn't time for that yet, so I hadn't spent my little left-over energy on it.) And since it is Christmas time here at the Grassmick house, we can't just write that check because expenses always rise this time of year and it would be a little irresponsible. So, it dawned on me that we have to get to raising money. That is how we always planned on funding our adoption. We know that God has asked us to house and raise and invest in these children daily and that He will raise up the funds to do it. I know some of you out there are rolling your eyes thinking that we are something else thinking that other people should pay for our choices. Why would we embark on a $30,000 journey without saving that money up? Well, good point. It doesn't make a lot of sense. But I feel like it is what God has asked us to do. Maybe this is one way God wants to be glorified in this. Maybe I'm just naive. Maybe I'm just dumb. But, I really believe He wants us to walk forward in this and marvel at how He provides. Not everyone has been asked to take in orphans. We all can't do it all. We just have to do our part. And we NM Grassmicks have been asked to be a family to them and maybe some of you can't do that, or more importantly, God hasn't asked you to do that. But maybe you can play a part in our kids having what is called a forever family.
Anyway, I kind of got off track there. I was writing today to document how faithful God is.
So, yesterday, when I was really busy getting stuff done, God was already working. I hadn't stopped to talk to God specifically about the check we need to write. Don't get me wrong. I have been a praying manic about this adoption, but remember I had only realized earlier in the day that we need funds. I talked to Him a lot yesterday, but more about our H kids and their needs being met and that there would be someone to hug them, not so much for the money yet. So, I sat down last night and started to try to make it work in my head. I quickly remembered how that never works...because I couldn't make it work. And within a few minutes Jonathan came in and said that some friends of ours had sent him a Facebook message asking if we had an adoption fund yet because they had some end of the year giving money left over and wanted to give it to us.  .   .   .   . WHAT? Had she read my last blog post that mentioned briefly that we needed some money? No, I just posted that minutes ago. And she doesn't know about my blog!! Did I mention anything to her recently? No, I haven't seen her much.
Ohhhhhhh, God.
God knew.
God knew we needed money AND He knew I needed to be reminded that He's got this.
I don't know how much they are going to give. It could be one dollar or it could be one million. But, it doesn't matter. Because He's got this.

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