Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Life is moving at a hundred miles an hour right now. The holidays always bring a quicker paced life, but now that we are excited about all of this adopted stuff, it feels like we are in over-drive. Who knew that every single person in Santa Fe would be at the post office each of the three times I have gone in the past two days? I was just trying to send off our fingerprints and some paperwork. What in the heck where they doing there?
I've wanted to post since Saturday night but thing after thing has kept me from getting it done.
The biggest news as of right now is that we were given about 20% of our monetary need for this adoption this weekend! Wow. That made it possible to send our paperwork back into our agency. I was preparing myself to have to be patient for a lot longer. God is really going before us and preparing the way. It was three donors that gave us money and we had not asked any of them for anything! (I want to get a little fundraising thermometer on my blog, but I haven't figured that out yet.) We were also given enough American Airlines miles for all of the trips we will need to take to Honduras. What? Yes.
We are working on home study paperwork right now. Jonathan and I were both fingerprinted yesterday. Then we got a request for a background check notarized and sent all of that information in. Those are the documents that will take "one to three months" to complete. :) And our home study won't be complete without them. So, that is out of our hands now.
I emailed the home study agency this morning and she said that we are on track and the first week of January they will call us to schedule our home visits.
We met with the owner of the ranch we work for this weekend and she wanted to be sure that our garage passed the home study test (among other things), so she told Jonathan to get one of the ranch workers to start cleaning and organizing our garage!! Wow, that was a load off.  I clean out our garage every 3 or 4 months. And over that time the stuff just piles up. It was rather bad yesterday morning, but since it was muddy out, Jonathan had two ranch workers come over and they knocked it out quickly. It looks fabulous. Thank you boss and thank you Lord. Who has a boss that not only lets us have the best job in the world (no exaggeration) but also takes care of us in real tangible ways? Crazy amazing days.
I feel like I could write for another hour but I need to pack for our trip to see family. We are leaving tomorrow morning and we have the ranch Christmas dinner tonight. I have about 2.5 hours to get the rest of the laundry done and pack for 5 people for 8 days. No sweat.

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