Wednesday, October 17, 2012

3 Is Better Than 2

Three suit cases are packed and it's looking like we are going to need at least 2 more...if not more. I decided to pack for the most part today because I'm going to town this weekend and I want to be able to shop for all the things on my growing-by-the-minute list. Feels like go-time.
But that isn't the reason I'm writing today. Besides our court date, we got some big news on Monday. From the beginning we have known Ki's birthday: July 18, 2011 but we were only told a guess about Elsie's. We were told her birthday was sometime in August 2010. Well, they were a year and a half! The youngest little Grassmick girl's birthday is March 10, 2009 which means she is just over 3 and a half years old. I don't know how most people would react to this change but it was kind of fun for me. I don't know why. Maybe because when you have biological kids so much of who they are and what they look like are hidden but with adoption it's kind of all out there for you to see. Until you get an email telling you something different.
I'm sure there are going to be things that are harder because she is older. It makes me a little sad that she has one less year under our roof. But, I'm staying positive about this. A two year old has such a hard time communicating. By 3 and a half kids usually have a much better idea how to communicate what they need or want. I know the language will be a bit of a barrier, but to me, 3 is better than 2 for this. And it also means she will probably be potty trained. And one kid in diapers is WAY better then two kids in diapers. Trust me on this.
So anyway, just thought I'd let everyone know that we are about to be parents to an 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, and 1 year old. :)
S.O.  E.X.C.I.T.E.D.


  1. Oh man! I thought you were about to say that you all were bringing home 3 babies instead of two! 3 years old is great...that's how old Enock was when our friend's adopted last year...a definite pro was the potty training and communication! LOVE knowing her bday, she's a March baby. It's a good month to be born! ;)

  2. Congratas! I will be thinking and praying for you guys! Can't wait to see their reveal on your blog!
