Monday, October 15, 2012

Hal. Le. Lu. Jah.

October 30 is the day Jonathan and I will present our desire to be the legal guardians of Elsie Kafuka and Hezekiah Mukasa in a Ugandan court room.
Hal. Le. Lu. Jah.
Today, hopefully, a lot will get done. I've got to contact Embassies, State Depts., and get flights. Please pray that God will lead and guide all that has to get done.
Lord, I need your Spirit to go before us, just as You have in this entire process. Thank you for your faithfulness. You are God.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed. Thank you to everyone who has supported us. Jesus is using you.


  1. A. Ma. Zing!!!!!

    So very happy for you ALL! I know Michael left Jonathan a message about the people he has connections with at the Ugandan Embassy, so give him a call if you need help. We couldn't be happier for you : )

  2. Praise God!! We can't wait to finally meet our niece and nephew!
